Thursday, June 25, 2009

Falling Whistles, have you heard of this organization? Please go here. Read "story." It's so... well, just read it.

Did you read it? I've heard about this organization for a while but never read up on it. Take the 10 minutes to read the story. Now. No, stop reading this and go read that. You'll be shocked, then mad, and then, hopefully, willing to do something. Pass it on. Tell... Be the change.

Here's a way you can help raise awareness:Falling Whistles Bike Tour
3 guys trying to get the word out by doing this bike tour. You can help them raise awareness by sending them different things. It's should be on this blog but please also check out their FB page. Guys, if we aren't doing anything then who is? Let's not just let this one pass us by.

We have it so good in the States. Though my family would probably disagree, I don't like to argue. But If you disagree with the former statement, I'll be happy to argue with you. Bring it on. I don't care where you come from (Maybe with the exception of New Orleans), we have it soo good.

Let's use some of our freedom, what little money we think we may or may not have, and what little time we think you have, and DOOO something. Anyone?

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