Thursday, April 30, 2009

So, there has been a lot going on and I have procrastinated enough... when it comes to blogging, anyway.... Although, now I'm procrastinating with school work because I'm blogging. Oh well :)

Anyways, some things:
I'm graduating from the University of Georgia MAY 9th. WOW. I can't believe it's just about over. Honestly, I know this is a great accomplishment and people are proud, but... I don't know. I'm a bit sad. This is probably because I don't know what the next step is.

There are/were a few things I was waiting on. One of them was Teach For America. This is a great organization and also very selective in the selection process. Is that redundant? After going through all the rounds, I found out I did not receive and offer to teach with them. I was bummed. In fact, I kind of sad most of that evening. BUT, Straight up: God has something better for me. And this I MUST cling too.

Another option, one in fact that has been on my heart since August 2007, is to go to nursing school. I had and interview with the Medical College of Georgia. Monday, the 20th. This is specifically for the Clinical Nurse Leader Program. I'm supposed to find out Mid-may, although I think I could find out sooner if I called them up, but I'm a little hesitant to do this. We'll see what happens.

Also, I've been praying with a lot of men and women regarding our ministry with the homeless. There is a house that we have been praying over and fixing up in hopes that it would become an open home for ministry opportunity. It's really exciting and I'm so blessed to be a part of it. In fact, I wish I would have been more involved the past few months. I know that I've been building relationships with some of the homeless, but I wish I had been praying more with the other folks in the ministry that were doing the same. More to come from this ministry, and ways to get involved. :)

My hope for this next year is that I would be able to stay in Athens. I don't know if this will happen, BUT I'm trusting that whatever happens is the Lord's WILL, which also means that it is the Lord's BEST. HOW EXCITING! Whatever He has for me is good. SOOO good. :)

What else? Hmm... This is random, or not, but I just want to say what I love:
1. That I have an eternal Father who loves me beyond my understanding...
2. My family... beautiful, wonderful, CRAZY, kind (at times :)) fun, close... so close.

3. MY ROOMMATES! This year has been one of the hardest and best years at college... and I must thank my roommates for both of these aspects :) haha... well, not so much "hardest" from them. In fact, it's been fairly easy living with these 5 other women. Mostly because they know the Lord... Yes in fact, it is because we all know the Lord that we have been able to get along, etc. So thank you my lovely 5: (in order of appearance in pic) Caitlin, Christine, Lindsey, Ju and Stephanie [ :( not pictured] I will miss you all so much this next year. I'm getting a bit emotional. Uhhhh....

4. My friends... so this is a category much like my roomie one, because although I have not lived with you, you have impacted me so much. You know who you are. I love you all.
5. My CHURCH! oh my church :) Christ Community Church, we are the body.
6. The kids at Timothy Road where I work in the After School Program (ASP) This is a love/frustrated relationship. But the Love outweighs the frustration :)

7. Caribou Coffee... I always forget how much I love this place until I come home. There's not one in Athens. Sad. But I love it for so many reasons. One is there Sourcing of coffee. FAIR TRADE among other things.... Anyways, always fresh and they give FREE REFILLS... yeah Athens, you know you want one.

Well, I'm sure I love much more... in fact I know I do. BUT, this is enough for now. :)
Will hopefully update again soon. Enjoy!

Oh, a little snippet from the Tim Keller Galations study I'm doing. It's a good word: (GAL4:3, 8-9) "But here Paul again makes his radical claim that overt pagan idolatry and Biblically ethical moralism are basically the same thing."

1 comment:

Caitlin Cornwell said...

this might be my favorite post ever. i love you. and i love that the Lord might keep you in Athens!!!