Thursday, April 16, 2009


I would like to say that my family came to ATHENS, GA for EASTER. Awesomeness. I love them. A LOT. Here's some pics. :)
This is My Family: Alaina(sister), Amanda (sister), Jimmy (bro-in-law), me, my mom and Isaac (bro).

What? So we like to have fun. haha

Isaac. HILarious.

I will say, that with all the chaos of the past 6 months, God has only brought us closer together. And I remember this verse, "Rejoice in the Lord, always. Again, I say rejoice." Phil 4:4
Only through Christ has this been a verse that we can express. I am rejoicing... it's hard. Sometimes it's few and far in between. But I rejoice.


Jacob and Jessica Willis said...

I love your sweet, sweet family!!

Caitlin Cornwell said...

i read this! i love you. i like it when you just come up to my room and tell me what's going on in your life...but this is fun keep posting!