Sunday, September 20, 2009


So, once again I find myself writing a blog because I'm procrastinating. School isn't too bad. Just time consuming. Bleh. BUT, I really enjoy it.... like a lot. We had our first tests (and yes TESTS, plural) on Monday, last week. I did pretty good for me :) Only by God's grace... seriously. Ha. Hopefully I will only improve. We'll see.

Life in Augusta is fine. Though I seem to really enjoy it, I feel like something is missing and I'm not sure what that is. I do feel like God is teaching me a lot about my pride, however. I've got a lot of it. GET OVER IT. That's me talking to me. My pride has really hindered different conversations or whatever. Definitely not enjoyable. I'm excited to be surrounded by some great people here. I know God is using them to mold and shape me.

What else? Oh, I've seen a couple great concerts lately. My absolute favorite Kate Havnevik came to Atlanta for the first time. She opened with Unicorn Kid for Owl City. It was a fun/great show. I helped sell her merchandise and got to hang a bit with her and Oli (Unicorn Kid). They were so much fun.

Kate and I

Unicorn Kid and I (or Oli and I)

Then, this past Friday I saw the Avett Brothers. They were sooo good. It was a fun show.

Um... Wednedsay I get to go see INGRID MICHAELSON!!! So excited for this. SO excited ;)

I guess that's it for now with my updates. I'm super tired but must get some work done :(

Peace out. I hope someone is enjoying this update.


Caitlin Cornwell said...

i'm enjoying it (the blog, that is...). i really just enjoy you in general. i love you and miss you so much.

Jacob and Jessica Willis said...

Ingrid Michaelson?!? Awesome! Have so much fun!
Oh, and by the way, I love you. A lot.